Extent 1
In all our investments, our priority is to protect the environment and to ensure as much recycling as possible. Fulfilling all our responsibilities regarding carbon management is an integral part of our company’s culture in our world where global warming and climate change are increasingly felt and natural resources are gradually disappearing. In all the investments we make, our priority is to protect the environment and to recycle as much as possible. Total Emission (tCO2e) 918 Extent 2 5342 Consumption Group ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION (MWh) 8282 WATER CONSUMPTION (m³ ) 12875 Water is one of the most important natural resources. As Duran Doğan, both the problems regarding the utilization of water resources in the world and the climate Duran Doğan is the first packaging company in Turkey to commit to greenhouse gas emission reporting in accordance with international standards. In the area of social sustainability, Duran Doğan has adopted a corporate culture where social services such as health and education are adequate and fair; where there is no discrimination based on gender, religion, language or race; and where there is equal opportunity and a social justice system. As a production company, we continue our operations with the awareness of managing the waste generated as a result of our processes with sensitivity. As a result of our activities About Us
Sustainability in Production
What We Do?.
Water Management
We are aware that the critical importance of water management has become more important today due to the impact of change.
As one of the most important elements of sustainability for our water operations, it is managed in a holistic framework covering resource diversity, efficient production and efficient consumption. In this context, Duran Doğan aims to make our water resources and production sustainable by commissioning our Reverse Osmosis and Water Treatment Plants in 2019.Carbon Footprint Management
Being the first and only packaging company from Turkey to be included in the Global 500 report, CDP TURKEY was awarded the 1st prize.
Every year, Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 carbon footprint calculations are made, verified and reported to CDP.Social Sustainability
Waste Management
waste is managed in accordance with the waste management hierarchy.
In a world where global warming and climate change are increasingly felt and natural resources are gradually disappearing, fulfilling all our responsibilities regarding carbon management is an integral part of our company’s culture. In all our investments, our priority is to protect the environment and recycle as much as possible. REPORTS AND CERTIFICATES